Volunteer Training

Waivers & Forms

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Volunteer Information Form

Volunteer Training

LeCheval Stable has a long standing commitment to providing quality volunteers. Many of our volunteers have started as young as age 14 and some are now professionals in areas of Psychology, Social Work, Occupational and Physical Therapy, Special Education and Veterinary Medicine. Volunteers in high school can earn service-learning hours, signed by director. Initial Volunteer Training requires signing of waivers and background checks. Advanced Training and mentor support is ongoing for volunteers. LeCheval Stable participates with Howard Community College Learning Links Program in which students volunteer each semester for at least 12 hours for certain credit-based coursework. LeCheval Stable has provided work experience training for Transitioning Youth through the Pre Employment Training Program (Pre-ETS) for Division of Rehabilitative Services (DORS). The stable also provides weekly opportunities for interested youth to receive job sampling and customized training in horse care and barn management. Mentoring is provided for individual members of PATH International for Equine Specialist in Mental Health and Learning (ESMHL) and Certified Therapeutic Riding Instructor (CTRI).


Horse leader/handler's primary role is to the horse. They may help prepare the horse for class, maintain safety spacing, and support the horse follow the directions of the rider during class. Sidewalkers assist the rider (before, during and after riding), help the rider guide their horse during the lesson, and assist the rider in following the directions of the instructor as necessary. The amount of assistance is dependent on each rider’s abilities. The Tacking, Grooming and Barn Maintenance volunteers stationed in the barn preparing horses for lessons, leading horses from and to the pastures, feeding, grooming and tacking, keeping the barn area clean. (Volunteers must meet age requirements for individual jobs in this area) A Lead Volunteer will assist instructor with tack changes, girth and stirrup adjustment. Trained volunteers only will assist with mounting and dismounting. Volunteers must be at least age 14. Volunteers will receive handbook, code of ethics, and learn to work collaboratively with the team. Scout programs, including Eagle Scouts and Girl Scouts, have organized projects to include: Benches in the garden, accessible walkway to arena, ADA mounting block, storage shed and compost bins. We could not maintain the quality of our program without our volunteers! Most are horse lovers or ride horses but this is not required to volunteer. Please access the form below or at the top of the page to explore how to become a volunteer.

Want to meet the horses in person?

Volunteer Information Form

Shannon Otto, author and equine care advocate with Morgan, UMBC student and horse enthusiast


Claudia Groh - PATH Intl Region 2 volunteer of year


Maddie supports equine assisted learning


Celebrating new miniature stable built by Ed Pecukonis


Claudia Groh


Horse Team


Marya, founder and director

Want to meet the horses in person?

Get in touch with us